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Yuki Kedoin
Born and raised in Yokohama, Japan. He studied acting at Watanabe Entertainment College. After graduating, he focused on stage acting as an actor. Since 2018, he has been chosen as the promising next-generation actor cultivation program by the Agency for Cultural Affairs. He has appeared in films and Netflix's "The Naked Director". He has been selected to be part of the "Emerging Artist Overseas Training Program" in 2020 sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan and he received a year-long acting training program in Vancouver, Canada. His most recent work is Takemaru in FX Production's Shogun. _JAP_ 祁答院 雄貴。神奈川県出身。舞台と映画を中心に活動。他に執筆活動や、映像制作も行い活動の幅は広い。文化庁新進芸術家海外研修員に抜擢され西カナダ最大級の非営利劇場 The Arts Club Theatre Company の客演アーティストとして、1年間の研修を受ける。その後ハリウッド制作『SHOGUN-将軍』に武丸役にて全10話に出演するなど現在は国際的に活動中。