Sakurako Nagano

Born 1989, resident in Fukuoka City. While a student at Hiroshima City University, Nagano began creating animations that seem to be a memoir of her own experiences. In recent years, she has been working on an installation work using animation to explore the relationship between the body and images. She is also interested in alienation and loneliness amidst the restrictions on behaviour caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and how these occur in the lives of various people. Nagano’s films have been screened at many national and international festivals and exhibited in Japan, including at the 4th New Chitose International Animation Festival (2016). _JAP_ 長野櫻子(annolab) 1989年生まれ、福岡市在住。広島市立大学在学中から自らの経験を手記にしたようなアニメーションを制作。近年は、身体と映像の関わりを探るために、アニメーションを用いたインスタレーション作品に取り組む。またコロナ禍で行動が制限されるなかで、疎外感や孤独について、そしてそれが未曽有の事態に関わらず、様々な人の人生のなかで起こることに関心を寄せる。第4回 新千歳国際アニメーションフェスティバル(2016年)での上映等、国内外での上映歴や国内での展示歴多数。