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Ryusuke Hamaguchi
In 2008, his graduation film PASSION (2008) from the Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts, was highly acclaimed at film festivals in Japan and abroad. Subsequently, his 317-minute feature film Happy Hour (15) won major awards at many international film festivals, and Coincidence and Imagination (21) won the Silver Bear (Jury Grand Prix) at the Berlin International Film Festival. Drive My Car (21) won four awards including Best Screenplay at the 74th Cannes Film Festival and the 94th Academy Awards International Feature Film Film Award. He continues to work energetically across regions and genres._JAP_2008年、東京藝術大学大学院映像研究科の修了制作『PASSION』が国内外の映画祭で高い評価を得る。その後も317分の長編映画『ハッピーアワー』(15)が多くの国際映画祭で主要賞を受賞、『偶然と想像』(21)でベルリン国際映画祭銀熊賞(審査員グラランプリ)、『ドライブ・マイ・カー』(21)で第74回カンヌ国際映画祭脚本賞など4冠、第94回アカデミー賞国際長編映画賞を受賞。地域やジャンルをまたいだ精力的な活動を続けている。