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Akira Kawasaki
Born in 1996, raised in Fukuoka and Santa Monica. After graduating from Musashino Art University with a degree in film studies, Kawasaki moved to Berlin, where she is currently enrolled in the directing course at the The German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB). She has mainly made fictional short films, but recently she has been dissecting and exploring the medium of the moving image, making experimental silent films from discarded 16mm film and audio dramas based on dreams she has had. She also works in music, as a member of the duo Mikka Bozu and as a solo artist under the name Akira Kawasaki._JAP_河﨑 晶。1996年生まれ、福岡 / サンタ・モニカ育ち。武蔵野美術大学の映像学科を卒業後、ベルリンへ拠点を移し、現在はベルリン・テレビ映画学校 (DFFB) の監督コースに在籍中。フィクションの短編映画を主に制作してきたが、ここ最近は廃棄された16mmフィルムに加工を加えた無音の実験映像を作ったり、自身の観た夢を題材にした音声ドラマを作ったりと、映像という媒体を解剖しながら探索中。Mikka Bozu というデュオや Akira Kawasaki としてソロでの音楽活動も行っている。